Puglia Nero di Troia IGP
Nero di Troia is an ancient dark red wine grape from the Puglia IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée, formerly IGT) wine region of Italy. Puglia is situated in the far southeast of Italy and has affectionately been referred to as "the heel of the boot" for many years. Nero di Troia, also known as Uva di Troia, is named after the Puglian town of Troia. Long used as a blending grape, primarily with Montepulciano and Primitivo, it is more recently being vinified on its own with with good-to-excellent results when cultivated properly. Varietal characteristics include: bright spicy berry fruit, silky tannins, and a suggestion of tobacco. Lamb and wild game are excellent and very traditional pairings. (Wine/Appellations)